Nutan Mahavidyalaya Selu is a premier institution in the Parbhani District of Marathwada. The college has successfully offering higher education to the surrounding area. The college is well known quality institution in the Marathwada region and maintaining the tradition of excellence. In the same manner library of the college is working as knowledge centre and extending the library services as well as knowledge treasure to the students/ readers of the area. Library is following the motto of the institution ‘Excellence in Education’.

The library was established in 1968 with the foundation of the college. The library is having separate building situated at the centre place of the college campus. The collection of the library is well organized and classified for the optimum use of it. Library is partially automated, bar coded with the help of SOUL software developed by INFLIBNET, Gandhinagar. Library is proud to provide access to online resources like N-LIST project which is having more than 21000 online Journals and 51000 e books for reference.

The library is having books, periodicals non book material and specially, bound volumes of important periodicals and journals in its collection. The library staff is trying to provide maximum services to the students / readers as well as teaching and non teaching staff of the college to achieve the goal of the library.


Library is divided in the different section for the smooth functioning f the library.

  • Acquisition Section / Technical Section
  • Reference Section
  • Book Bank Section
  • Back Volumes Section
  • Reading Hall
  • Circulation Section
  • Periodicals Section
  • Stack section
  • Staff reference Section


  • Every student must have an Identity Card.

  • In the College campus, every student should possess his/her Identity Card and on demand it should be produced.

  • Books & Periodicals will be issued to the regular students only.

  • Books issued on borrower’s card can be retained for seven days only.

  • If book not returned on or before due date per day fine of one rupee will be charged.

  • The date of book will be extended for next seven days only when there is no demand for the same book.

  • The students should check the book at the counter before it is issued. If a book is damaged or the paper is missing and torn; it should be brought to the notice of the library staff.

  • If the book is lost, damaged, torn by the students he/she will have to replace a new copy of the latest edition or pay the double price of the same book.

  • Issue section will be kept open during the Deepawali and summer vacation.

  • The book must be physically available while extending the date.

  • The students should personally see that the books returned by him/her are being cancelled on the concerned records otherwise no complaints about the return of the book will be entertained.

  • Reference and rare books are not issued; however they can make available in the library only for reference work.

  • If the reference book is taken outside the library by the students without prior permission of the librarian, a legal action will be taken.

  • Mobile phones are strictly banned in the library premises.

  • Misbehavior will be a sufficient reason for suspending the Library facilities.

  • In case of any grievances the students are allowed to contact the Librarian.


  • Mobile phones are strictly banned in the reading room.

  • Identity card is compulsory for the use of reading room.

  • Students can borrow magazine, Newspaper, Question paper set with producing identity card.

  • Silence should be maintained strictly in the reading room.

  • Any act of indiscipline, misbehavior will be taken as serious offense.

Library Membership:

All students who seek admissions are eligible to enroll their membership for library facility. Students are required to fill up membership form and to submit their Admission Receipt in the library.

For new appointed Faculty, Staff and Visiting Faculty have to submit their application through the Head of the Department and then the Principal along with the photocopy of the Appointment Order and one Pass port size Photo to use of library facility.


It is special facility provided by the college library to the past students and readers (citizens) of the city for extending the treasure of knowledge to them. Such students / readers desirous of making use of this facility are expected to register their names with the librarian of the College by paying the prescribed fees.

Rules and Regulations for external Membership

  • The membership is open to Past students of this College.

  • Post Graduate students of the other colleges or registered students of distance education.

  • Research scholar registered for M. Phil., Doctoral and Post Doctoral research.

  • Any person from the Selu and surroundings, intending to pursue some extensive reading.

  • Any reader/ employee from the city and surrounding intending to prepare for competitive examinations


  • Membership form will be available with the library assistant on the request for membership.

  • The form full filled and duly signed by principal should be submitted to library assistant.

  • Library Card will be issued immediately on submission of the completed form and payment of fees.

  • Members desirous of availing the borrowing facility, will have to pay fees of rupees 200/-( Per year) and refundable deposit of Rs.500/- (for one book)

Granth Aapulya Dari (ग्रंथ आपुल्या दारी)

The Library is nothing but service station for the readers. Library provides different resources as well as information services to the users. As per the aims and the objectives, the college library has taken the project to spread and enhance the reading habit among the students. To grow reading culture among the rural students, library extends a service named ‘Granth Aapulya Dari (ग्रंथ आपुल्या दारी) for the school students. In such scheme set of some books is kept in nearby villages. Student / Ex student (alumni) of the institute circulates these books among the rural students. Through the scheme library is trying to satisfy the needs of readers as well as spreading reading habits among them.

Sr. No. Academic Year Name of beneficiary villages
1. 2020-21 Mhalsapur, Kherda, Dhanegaon Hadgaon P
2. 2021-22 Mhalsapur, Kherda, Dhanegaon Hadgaon P
3. 2022-23 Mhalsapur, Radhe Dhamangaon, Digraswadi, Bramhangaon

Working Hours:
Monday to Saturday: 9.45 A.M. To 5.45 P.M.
Reading Room: 10.30 A.M. To 3.00 P.M. Night Reading 6.00 P.M to 9.00 pm.
The Library remains closed on Sundays and on Public Holidays.