- A student should carry his/her identity card while in the campus and produce it wherever he is asked to by any teaching or non-teaching staff member of the college.
- A student must be present in the class at least 75 percent of the college instructional days.
- Any misuse, damage or loss of college property by a student shall be considered a serious offence and it will stand a legal punishment.
- Any indecent behaviour by male students towards female students is a serious offence and shall be dealt with legal action.
- Any indecent and rash behaviour towards college staff members shall be considered a punishable offence.
- It is obligatory on the part of every student to abide by the rules and regulation made time-to-time.
- A student should place his/her difficulties, complaints and demands through the prescribed channel and manner.
- A student must never provide any wrong information to the college. Any such attempt shall be legally persecuted.
- Disrupting normal functioning of the college by any sort of fund raising or social, political demonstrations on the campus will be dealt with legal action.
- Ragging is a serious crime on the college campus and it shall be legally dealt as per government rules and regulations.